Ellen Degeneres Home

Inspire Notes:

Ellen De Generes and Portia Rossi opened their lovely home to Architectural Digest’s November 2011 issue.

They bought the original house for approx. $30 million and added surrounding properties to the compound.

The single storey Coldwater Canyon property has it’s very own street and sits on a highly secured 2.87 acres.





Part of the renovation to the property included this beautiful and restful koi carp lake.



Note the beautiful carving and the rough sawn table beside it. Rough sawn wood adds so much more character to the right environment.

Note also the iconic spider-like Serge Mouille lighting, one of the better placements I have seen for this attention grabbing design.



Loving the quirky characterful bench which flanks a size-able free standing stone bath.



The flat woven rugs in this home play their silent aesthetic role in pulling the whole home style together. Not too new and shiny to reinforce the lovely rustic vibe.


NB. This home has since been sold.


The style directory for your home...

This charming home is all about realness and raw homestead energy. From the comfy evening-wrap throws to the rattan chairs, the rustic worn rugs

and rough sawn furniture, to the generous squidgy sofas. To get this vibe you have to love natural materials such as wood. It is plentiful here.

Wooden floors and the character-ful stool, the bench in the bathroom and the chunky plank tables. Don’t go for wood that is too polished or refined,

you won’t get the same feel. Check out the free standing stone bath also – for more natural material. You want it square as in Miss DeGeneres’ home?

No problem. Go for one of our bespoke finds to create whatever shape or size you wish. In these pictures they have accessorized their home with plants a-plenty,

a tall expressive wood carved statue, rustic tableware and bold artwork.

The style directory for your home...

The style directory for your home...The style directory for your home...The style directory for your home...The style directory for your home...The style directory for your home...


The style directory for your home...The style directory for your home...The style directory for your home...The style directory for your home...The style directory for your home...

The style directory for your home...

  • see many more options from this style at the Style Index