How To Get Rid Of Clutter

So let’s cut through the BS! De-cluttering is a game of dare. Either you’ll do it…or you won’t!

If you have come here today with your cojones intact, here are 2 clear cut things to do right now to eliminate clutter in your home.

Seatbelts on!




the 1st tip

Attack The Furniture!

Decide which home furniture is surplus to your needs.

Get some Bare White Space working chez vous.


Bare White Space allows for circulation. It lets a room breathe and has a knock-on effect psychologically in letting the mind breathe and evoking peace.

It’s no surprise that people known for being chaotic, late for everything, can never find anything and generally always in disarray usually have the chaos of their mind mirrored in the way they choose to live.


To obtain calming Bare White Space the first step is to let go of unnecessary space-blocking furniture.

Just le-e-e-e-e-e-e-et it go-o-o-o-o-o!


declutter, simplify
This is all that is needed in this room.


By getting rid of large items of furniture you then have to also address anything on top or in them.

You might find in the process that, if you are being honest with yourself, you have not used the things inside certain pieces of furniture for more than a year, (whisper) and you never will!…Soooo…you know what to do!





the 2nd tip

Hide The Necessaries In Beautiful, Stylish Things.

Forget using cardboard boxes, plastic shopping bags and bin liners as storage. This just reflects that you don’t give a sh…! If you do give a flying frog, then show it with your choice of prudent, stylish, long lasting storage facilities.

We have literally done all the work for you. From wooden crates to store magazines or fruit and veg or other bits and bobs, to cable-tidies to reduce the spaghetti junction of wires and computer cables, to fancy little label-friendly shoe boxes and so much more!

storage on castors


shoe box cable tidy wooden crate wire basket storage cratestorage


All of these are currently available on The Überbook Stylish Storage gallery.

Go look. Be lucky.